COVID-19: It is World War III

Political Commentary

War started with few people experienced with cough, sneezes, high temperature and shortness of breath. People ignored the symptoms. They thought it does not affect us. It is in China. Time passed-few months later cough, high temperature, and I cannot breathe covered the America’s heartland. World War III jumped into America. Europe, Asia and all continents filled with people dying- rich, poor, homeless succumb with this invisible enemy.
Our intentional denial and coverup of the ferocity and viciousness of the enemy put a choke hold on America. People became restless and questioned their existence.
COVID-19 vs. World- a war of attrition via death of millions may be the last call. The humanity look for an answer from America-the savior, but no answer came, only the denial of the enemy came from the gut. Can we win this war? America lost her glory. Just to cover up the danger from this menace and death we preached, “It is a hoax. It will disappear like a miracle!”
Science begged, “Cover your face with a mask, follow social distance, refrain from mass gatherings, and wash your hands”. This medicine will defeat the enemy and soon recorded in the pages of history as a past plague.
Little sacrifice just wear your face mask. Your freedom to choose is not in danger. They enshrine it in the bosom of our constitution. Just to fight against invisible enemy COVID-19, a simple sacrifice cannot take away your freedom. If you believe in real freedom, then for the good of the country and its people’s health do the right thing and be proud to be an American.
World War III would become a page in history if we do this little sacrifice.